Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Obama Presidency

Okay people. We have decided to lick the hands of the dictator, let's see what we are in for.

1. Obama has promised to implement a massive CAP and Trade system on Coal. According to him, this would bankrupt the Coal Industry. 74,578 people are employed in Coal Mines. On top of that, the Coal Mining Industry pays $53 million in taxes. That number is going to collapse to the point where the only coal being mined will be what we need for steel. West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, and Virgnina are going to be particularly hard hit with over 5,000 people employed in coal mining in those states. That doesn't include the tens of thousands of people who work to ship, process, and store coal, and service the coal mines and the workers therein.

On top of that, there are 72,000 people working in the Power Industry burning coal for electricity. those 72,000 people and 1,200 power plants consume 92% of the coal mined in the US and generates 1.991 trillion kilowatt-hours per year. Total power production in the US is around 4.062 trillion kWh per year. That means that Coal provides almost HALF of the power used in the US. So expect your energy costs to double, if not more, when they all have to switch over to Natural Gas and Oil for power generation.

2. The Dems in congress have also promised us that they WILL pass the Employee Free Choice Act. What a great, Orwellian name. It is like something out of 1984. What this bill will do is end all Secret Ballots (the way we elect president, for now at least) and replace them with a card system. These Sign Here, Check Here cards allow every person who handles them to see exactly how you voted on Unionisation. This means, that now unions (who sadly often have conenctions to much less savory organisations in cities) can use their "freinds" to intimidate those who would refuse to join the union. How do I know this? The same thing was rampant in Coal Mining towns and cities across the United States, until the Unions began to decline.

3. Pelosi, Chumer, Reid, Murtha and other have already promised a return of the Fairness Doctrine. And if the FCC is any indication, they will try to do so on the Internet as well. The Fiarness Doctrine on it's surface is a way to bring back "fair and open debate" on the radio. It does that by mandating that EVERY complaint against a talk show host's opinions be given equal time. No matter how crazy, how small the number of opinion holders, or the economics of the radio station. This will lead to stations throwing their hands up in disgust as they see weeks of no profit as no one listens to their stations anymore, and thus the radio industry will shut down.

On the internet, they will mandate that blogs do the same, and people will just stop writing conservative blogs anymore. And thus, all conservative dissent will be quickly silenced.

4. Obama has also said that he is not above trying the previous president for political crimes. Not crimes in the legal sense. But crimes because of Bush's political stance. That is something that happens in Russia or the Banana Republics, not in a legitamate Democracy.

5. Have fun shootign your guns, they will be outlawed soon. In the Illinois Senate, Obama worked with the Brady Campaign to try and end personal gun ownership. Now, let's understand something here. The Founding Fathers never outlawed gun bans with the constitution to protect hunters. In fact, the Second Ammendment was one of the only ammendments that was unanimous among them. Why? So that the people could defend themselves, both against the government and those who would try to harm them in some way shape or form.

So long as the electorate is armed, any wanna be dictator needs to completely disarm the people to prevent them from acting up to show their displeasure. That is why Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Kim Jong Il, and even Hugo Chavez have outlawed guns. Mahmoud Ahminejad has tried, but when your nation is so close to the Bakara Market, it is hard to do so.

6. Obama has also announced that he will give 95% of the peopla Tax Cut on their income taxes. Bull. 40% of this country does not pay a single dime in Income Taxes. So how do they get a tax cut Obama? Are you going to send them a check? And why did you vote in the US Senate to increase taxes on those making over $42,000 a year?

When the top 5% of the country has their taxes increased (they already pay 50% of the taxes), they will start to leave. Expect to see more scandals about millionares moving their money to foreign bank accounts to preserve what they have worked so hard for.

It's too bad he forgot that the US already has THE most Progressive Income Tax in the world.

7. And then, the Bush Tax Cuts will run out. This will lead to an across the board tax hike. And this, my friends, will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Expect the Top 10% of Tax Payers in this country to leave. They will pay their 50% Exit Tax as they do so, and then they won't look back.

8. Minimum Wage hikes have a dirty little secret. Built into the law are mandates that require Union Employees to get paid two to three times the minimum wage. That is the real reason that Pelosi and Reid will force minimum wage increases down American throats. This could bankrupt businesses as they are unonised by force. This will increase unemployment drastically across the board, and drive businesses over seas. And the new Corporate Tax Hikes won't even have gone into effect.

9. Obama has promised to close Corporate Tax Loopholes that "Benefit Corporations who move jobs overseas." Well, Mr. Obama, we have the HIGHEST Corporate Taxes in the United States. In fact, they are so high that Trillions of dollars worth of growth are ignored because those businesses are more interested in trying to protect themselves from Acheivement Punishing Taxes.

This will drive thousands of Corporations overseas. Ireland, Japan, England, these nations have Corporate taxes less than half what the US has. And even that anti-capitalist, anti-freedom Fear Society we call the People's Republic of China has lower Corporate Income Taxes than the United States.

And when they go, American jobs will disappear. And they will do so fast. The average Corporation employs thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, and most of them will become unemployed as their employers flee the United States.

10. The war in Iraq will be over. And Iraq will become Somalia. That is right, if we leave now, Iraq will become Somalia. And as soon as we leave, the terrorists will coem out of the woodwork, and warlords will emerge. Millions will die in the resulting chaos, and millions more will die when Syria and Iran decide to use their army to carve up that state.

Then, Osama bin Laden will release a tape calling the US a nation of Fools. He will praise Allah for the election of a Neville Chamberlain to our presidency, and for victory in what he has called the Central Battleground of the War on Terror.

And then, the bombings will begin. Probablly "before six months have passed" to quote Joe Biden.

11. The pre-september crisis is coming. Biden warned us that it would come, and that the actions of the administration would be unpopular among the Left, and extremely so among the Right.

Well, I am expecting Russia to formally invade Georgia and the Ukraine. I am expecting that Al-Qaeda wannabees and Hezbollah Sleeper agents to begin attacking targets inside the US. I am expecting an invasion of Lebanon by Syria. I am expecting that Israel will see a rash of celebratory suicide bombings. So it makes me wonder what the Fifth Scenario is that Smirky Joe mentioned...

12. Maybe it will be defeat in Afghanistan. After all, we showed the Terrorists that we cannot stomach a war. So they will go pouring into Afghanistan. And as they do so, we will see Casualties skyrocket as our people and our allies are caught unprepared.

13. Obama has promised the United States that he will create a Civilian National Security Force. And, on top of that, that they will be as well funded as the Armed Forces. My question is, what will they be doing?

Possibly This?

14. Pelosi has promised that she is going to roll back all drilling allowances. In other words, no new drilling for oil offshore, and possibly even a loss of all drilling offshore. This will drive up the cost of oil across the United States. Obama has said that the only problems he had with $4.00 a gallon gasoline was the speed with which it went up. Well, it is going to go up even higher with more Oil being diverted to power generation, and less to you and I to get to work. Expect European style prices across the United States.

Well, it was fun. But now the Great Expirement has died...

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