Thursday, November 20, 2008

Proposition 8

I wasn't going to talk about this, mainly because I don't agree with either side on the issue of Gay Marriage. (I honestly don't have an opinion beyond legalization halves the sin involved) But you idiots who are out there disrupting church services and defacing churches need to understand one very important thing. You are shooting yourself in the foot.

First of all, I would like to point out that this is the SECOND time such an item has passed in California. That is right, Proposition 8 is the second such item to pass in California to Define marriage as a man and a woman. The People have spoken, whether we like their decision or not.

Instead of trying to convince people that they are wrong on this matter and that it is a matter of equal rights, they are rioting.

In Lansing, Michigan, a group of Gay Protesters, Bash Back Lansing, disrupted church services at Mount Hope Church. They threw condoms at the church goers, insulted them, scattered papers around, and shouted insults at the people. Outside, they hurled insults at those going into the church and those who left.

In San Francisco's Castro District, a group of about sixteen Christians who where holding a prayer service in public, had to be escorted out of the district by Police, after someone spread the claim that they where there to hold a counter-Protest against the No on 8 Campaign. The video on YouTube is disgusting, and the Poster was quoted as saying:

After just singing and worshiping God for a while, Roger decided that we should all hold hands in a circle and continue singing. So we did.

Someone (Actually a person who came up and hugged and kissed some of us who he knew from the past) convinced some people that we were there to protest against the no on 8 campaign.

Then some guy who was dressed up like one of the sisters (The sisters of perpetual indulgence is a group of men who dress up like nuns and call themselves the spiritual authority of the Castro.) took a curtain-type thing (Which I think they use to curse people) and wrapped it around us.

Then a crowd started gathering. We began to sing “Amazing Grace”, and basically sang that song the whole night. (At some points we also sang “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus” and “Oh the Blood of Jesus”.) At first, they just shouted at us, using crude, rude, and foul language and calling us names like “haters” and “bigots”. Since it was a long night, I can’t even begin to remember all of the things that were shouted and/or chanted at us. Then, they started throwing hot coffee, soda and alcohol on us and spitting (and maybe even peeing) on us. Then, a group of guys surrounded us with whistles, and blasted them inches away from our ears continually. Then, they started getting violent and started shoving us. At one point a man tried to steal one of our Bibles. Chrisdene noticed, so she walked up to him and said “Hey, that’s not yours, can you please give it back?”. He responded by hitting her on the head with the Bible, shoving her to the ground, and kicking her. I called the cops, and when they got there, they pulled her out of the circle and asked her if she wanted to press charges. She said “No, tell him I forgive him.”

Afterwards, she didn’t rejoin us in the circle, but she made friends with one of the people in the crowd, and really connected heart to heart. Roger got death threats. As the leader of our group, people looked him in the eyes and said “I am going to kill you.”, and they were serious. A cop heard one of them, and confronted him. (This part is kinda graphic, so you should skip the paragraph if you don’t want to be offended.) It wasn’t long before the violence turned to perversion. They were touching and grabbing me, and trying to shove things in my butt, and even trying to take off my pants - basically trying to molest me. I used one hand to hold my pants up, while I used the other arm to hold one of the girls. The guys huddled around all the girls, and protected them.

Yes, that is right, some of the "counter-counter-protesters" tried to commit rape against their opponents. They where threatened with DEATH by some protesters. Is this really the act of the "Tolerant"? And how did the targets of the "Tolerant Ones" respond? They turned the other cheek. Remember those of you who are Christians, He warned us that there would be those who hated us for our Love of Him.

Message to the guy in 1:58 who is telling the Christians to stay out. We have as much right to enter that area as you do. We have as much right to state our opinions on something as you do. The First Ammendment was designed to protect speech that the People DON'T like.

The El Coyote Mexican Cafe in Los Angeles has also been targeted. The manager donated $100 to the Yes on 8 campaign. In response, a gang of those who opposed Prop. 8 descended upon the place and drove the woman to tears. The gang would not let up until the employees of the store donated a combined $500 to the Opposition campaign. Those who dined in the resturant where verbally assaulted for daring to eat there. And the Manager's crime? She practiced her First Ammendment Rights.

In Sacramento, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, beeter known as Mormons from their second holy book, the Book of Mormon, had to hire security guards for their temple. This after hateful vandalism smeared across ten of their temples across the state. This after white powder was mailed to the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City.

Scott Eckern, a Mormon who worked as artistic director of the California Musical Theatre, was forced to step down because he dared to donate money to a political cause he agreed with.

On top of that, they have posted a Blacklist of people they are boycotting for daring to enact their first ammendment rights to Freedom of Association, Freedom of Religion, and Freedom of Speech.

On, there is a great post about somethign that showed up on JoeMyGod.

I cannot believe what I’m reading today. If I could get to a camera tonight, I’d do that vidblog now, but since I can’t, I’ll save my true argument for tomorrow evening. In the meantime, the news now is that gay and lesbian citizens of California are practically rioting. In the wake of the passing of Proposition 8–the law that is to overturn the state supreme court’s ruling that gay marriage is legal–thousands have taken to the streets. But more than just protesting, they’re calling for actual violence.

I’ve gotten into a discussion about it on Michelle Malkin’s site, and have even gotten in a few hits with JoeMyGod himself for his and his readers’ outright bumbling stupidity. I might be able to understand being upset about it, but seriously–you idiots are trying to preach against hate and you’re calling for gays and lesbians to “burn their f—ing churches to the ground and tax the charred timbers”? You must be joking!

This is unreal. Un-be-friggin’-LIEVABLE. I cannot believe I’m reading comments from gay and lesbian people saying things like, “I’m a radical on a mission to make them pay for all they’ve done.” For WHAT, exactly? Have they put us in camps? Tried exterminating us? As I recall, they haven’t put up much of a fight to overturn the US Supreme Court’s decision striking down all laws against sodomy; they’ve pretty well accepted that what we do with our lives is our business. So will someone please, PLEASE explain to me why one reader is saying “I could murder someone with my bare hands today,” and another is saying, “I warn [mormons and catholics] to watch their backs!”

Where the hell do you people get off behaving like lunatics because this thing wasn’t defeated? I’ll touch on your liberal fanaticism tomorrow, but I’d really like one of you idiots to explain what makes you right and them wrong! They didn’t vote to require us to go to “sexual re-orientation therapy,” but you’re acting as though we’ve all been told we’re about to be rounded up and sent to Auschwitz!

Right here, right now I want every one of you to shut the hell up. I refuse to look like a fool because you don’t know how to behave. I have friends who are Mormon, Catholic, Jewish, Baptist, you name it–very few have ever expressed real hate towards me, and the grand total of TWO who have aren’t real Christians, anyway. I have experienced more hate coming from you than from them. You are not going to win this battle by threatening violence, and if you actually carry it out, I will personally lead the charge to put your ass in prison for the rest of your life.


For the record, I will NEVER link to JoeMyGod. The man is a hatemonger, and I will not grant him the satisfaction of getting readers directly from a conservative website.

It strikes me as hypocritical. For eight years, we have heard nothing but "Selected not Elected." About George Bush from this crowd. And now, they are leaning on the Supreme Court of California to overrule the will of the People.

The People have spoken, and your attacks against the People will only harm your cause.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Governmnet Run Education Part II

Let us turn to Russia for more on this tragedy that we are faced with Daily. And as we do so, I would like to use Grocery stores as my example.

Now, all of you who are reading this have been to a Grocery Store before, probably a Hen House, or an Aldi's, or a HyVee, or the Grocer's section of a Walmart.

When you go in, there are massive aisles full of food of all different sorts. The stores are clean and brightly lit, with options that will blow the minds of people who have never had the experience of Free Market Grocery Stores.

Russian Grocery Stores on the other hand, are government run. Stores are forced to specialize. Bread stores are usually half-empty, not because of demand at the government mandated local store, but rather because the government has not allocated enough bread to the stores. The Mat Stores can be just as bad. Cuts of meat are terrible, and you can never be sure what exactly the meat came from.

If there is nothing there for you, too bad, because that is the Grocery Store the government has ordered you to go to.

The US on the other hand, has some of the world's largest grocery stores, some of them stretching a seeming half mile in width or depth.

How would this be any different than the current Education system? Would not the benefits of the Free Market mean that the schools would get better used funding?

There is a joke in the armed forces about boots that really tells us why this is. When the Defense Department orders a pair of boots, they have to requisition them separately, with one boot costing two hundred, and the other one five hundred.

Government is inefficient. If Microsoft where to run our schools, or Ford or GM, they would focus heavily on performance. After all, is that not the way that businesses run? Do they not run based on performance? Would teachers who are not preforming get tenure, or would they get fired? Would they be more likely to respond to complaints if their customers where not delivered to them day in and day out, and the money going into their coffers regardless of performance?

I think the answers to that are self-evident.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Governmnet Run Education Part I

St. Ignatius Loyola was once quoted as saying, "Give me the boy until he is seven, and I will give you the man."

So the new "voluntary" Early-Childhood Education (Voluntary in that Speed Limits and Taxes are voluntary) worries me.

Education in the United States is dominated by one group, the National Education Association, a Statist, anti-Individual, Teacher's Union that is more itnerested in just passing students along then actually teaching the students.

Now, not all teachers who are part of the NEA fall into this category, in fact most teachers who are members actually want to help the students. But, the NEA has it's own priorities.

Neal Boortz, reformed Lawyer and Talk Show Host once said that the NEA is more dangerous to the Future of the United States of America than al-Qaeda. THis comment might not make much sense, until you start to really think about the two organizations.

Al-Qaeda can come in, kill a couple hundred people, and then they are inable to strike the US for a year at least afterwards. And, on top of that, whenever they do so, they wind up with the United States Armed Forces targeting them and doing their best to deliver them to the gates of Hell.

The NEA on the other hand, can ruin the children of this country, and indoctrinate them into whatever party the NEA wants them to be in.

While a WMD might destroy a city (though the chances of that happening are thankfully low), the schools can destroy entire generations. There are millions of students in Government Schools every day, being told by their teachers that Private Property ownership is a BAD thing. This despite the right to Private Property being THE most fundamental of Human Rights.

These schools are supposed to teach our students how to survive in the modern world, how to go out and get a job and make money for their families. But for the vast majority of them, all they teach the students is how to pass them on to the next level of education, regardless of whether or not they are able to do the work.

Now, I want to clear somethign up now, before I get people TOO mad at me about this. They are Government Schools, not Public Schools. They are run with government money, stafed with Governmnet Agents, oon property owned by the Government. So why do they call them Public Schools?

Have you been to the DMV lately?

Students these days don't know how the branches of government or their functions, they need calculators to do some basic math, can't read leases, have no idea how to balance a checkbook, have no understanding of Capitalism or the Free Market, couldn't tell you the difference between Profits and Profit Margins (and thus why the Government was gouging us at the pumps and not the Oil Companies), and the vast amjority of them wind up in remedial college classes that are mad mandatory to make the majority feel better (I was fine with Education until I swa subjected to that piece of go-se myself).

On comparisons between nations, the US tends to do horribly. They only ever rank Government Schools though. If they included Vatican run schools throughout the world, the Vatican would routinely rank in the top ten every time. Why? Because their are no unions in private schools, and they are interested in minting out well educated students. Students who understand capitalism, and how to use it for the good of society.

The best thing we could do for our students would be to give vouchers to ALL students in this country, and let the parents choose their schools.

But, the NEA protests loudly every time that government opens up the theory of Vouchers. More on this in my next post.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Meet the Executioner

First of all. I would like to say that Obama, the gloves are off. I was going to leave them on until my birthday. Even here, on the matter of the Fairness Doctrine, I was going to at least keep the boxing gloves on. But, then you decided to insult Nancy Reagen. I am sorry, but now, it is no holds barred.

Now, on to the Fairness Doctrine.

First, like I like to do for many of my posts, I want to tell you about the History of this matter. The man I am calling the Executioner (Not to be confused with Rahm Emanuel, who I have decided to call Steaknife due to an infamous moment in which he listed off Bill Clinton's enemies shortly after the Election and announced they where all dead while stabbing the podium with his Steaknife) was the head of the FCC until Reagen came into power.

When Reagen came into power, he announced that he was quitting because he viewed radio and the policy towards radio as a "Civil Rights Issue."

I couldn't agree with him more. But for different reasons. I believe that talk radio hosts have the Civil Liberty to discuss politics on the air as they see fit. It's called the Freedom of the Press, and it applies to Broadcast Media, whether it be Analog, Satellite, Cable. It doesn't matter. It is still the Press, and therefore is entitled to that freedom. On top of that, it is protected by the Freedom of Speech Clause.

But I digress. The Executioner is the man responsible for Conservative Talk Radio. It may sound odd that the man who seeks to kill it is the one responsible. But, it is because he stepped down in disgust that we have this medium.

And now, he views this as his chance to right a wrong.

Well, Executioner, I have news for you. The First Ammendment is designed to protect speech that people find offensive. There are obvious limits (screaming "Fire" in those powder kegs called Movie Theatres being a great example) but when it comes to political speech, dissent against the majority is protected.

What the Executioner is tryign to do is simple. He wants to Kill talk radio. And there can only be one reason. Because Talk Radio is by and large Conservative, and thus, is going to be an Opposition Force against Barack Obama, rallying Conservatives to try and block the iniatives of The One via petitions and rallyign political support for Mitch McConell and his allies in the Senate and House.

Make no mistake people, the Fairness Doctrine is a direct and flagrant violation of the First Ammendment, and needs to be defeated. The Liberals have Cable News and Newspapers. Let us Conservatives keep our Radio, the Union just might depend on it...

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Gold coins, bars of silver, sheets of painted linen, plastic cards with magnetic strips. Money has changed forms over the years, but one thing is always the same. Money is a way of replacing the direct barter system that dominated human commerce for centuries with a way of choosing what YOU need later on.

When we first started trading, it was conducted on a basis of reciprocity. You help pick the bugs out of my hair, and I will do the same for you. Then, as we began to develop tools and settle down to till the fruits of the land it was make me tools and I will give you food, or make me a weapon and I will give you meat.

Then, we began to adorn our bodies with the tears of the sun, and those who could work the most precious of metals where in high demand. Soon, people began to look on that shiny yellow metal as having value in and of itself.

Gold was joined with silver and copper and soon, we began to trade small metal disks of these precious metals for services, instead of direct reciprocity. Why did we change away from simple bartering systems to this more complex system?

Simple, because it allowed you to trade your service for what you needed. Paint a guy's fence? He would pay you in money, and you could spend that on food somewhere else. It was a way of allowing people to earn the purchase of those goods by workign for someone else.

Money is all about convenience. The convenience of trading your time to one person in work, and then taking the fruits of that labor to another location to obtain food and shelter and transportation.

So when you are "Redistributing Wealth" you are stealing away the fruits of their labor. It is as if you where to go to a person and order them, gun against their head, to go paint someone else's house.

Now, taxes are a necessary evil. They are our way of trading our time to someone else so that WE don't have to go out and pave those roads. They allow us to trade our time so that someone else can defend us.

However, stealing the time and efforts from one person, and giving them to someone else is just wrong.

It is one thing for a person to reach into his own wallet and give of his own will to the person in need. It is another to have a figure of authority place a gun against your head and order you to give to that person, confiscating eight dollars out of ten for that person's own need, and giving two dollars to the person in need.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Obama Presidency

Okay people. We have decided to lick the hands of the dictator, let's see what we are in for.

1. Obama has promised to implement a massive CAP and Trade system on Coal. According to him, this would bankrupt the Coal Industry. 74,578 people are employed in Coal Mines. On top of that, the Coal Mining Industry pays $53 million in taxes. That number is going to collapse to the point where the only coal being mined will be what we need for steel. West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, and Virgnina are going to be particularly hard hit with over 5,000 people employed in coal mining in those states. That doesn't include the tens of thousands of people who work to ship, process, and store coal, and service the coal mines and the workers therein.

On top of that, there are 72,000 people working in the Power Industry burning coal for electricity. those 72,000 people and 1,200 power plants consume 92% of the coal mined in the US and generates 1.991 trillion kilowatt-hours per year. Total power production in the US is around 4.062 trillion kWh per year. That means that Coal provides almost HALF of the power used in the US. So expect your energy costs to double, if not more, when they all have to switch over to Natural Gas and Oil for power generation.

2. The Dems in congress have also promised us that they WILL pass the Employee Free Choice Act. What a great, Orwellian name. It is like something out of 1984. What this bill will do is end all Secret Ballots (the way we elect president, for now at least) and replace them with a card system. These Sign Here, Check Here cards allow every person who handles them to see exactly how you voted on Unionisation. This means, that now unions (who sadly often have conenctions to much less savory organisations in cities) can use their "freinds" to intimidate those who would refuse to join the union. How do I know this? The same thing was rampant in Coal Mining towns and cities across the United States, until the Unions began to decline.

3. Pelosi, Chumer, Reid, Murtha and other have already promised a return of the Fairness Doctrine. And if the FCC is any indication, they will try to do so on the Internet as well. The Fiarness Doctrine on it's surface is a way to bring back "fair and open debate" on the radio. It does that by mandating that EVERY complaint against a talk show host's opinions be given equal time. No matter how crazy, how small the number of opinion holders, or the economics of the radio station. This will lead to stations throwing their hands up in disgust as they see weeks of no profit as no one listens to their stations anymore, and thus the radio industry will shut down.

On the internet, they will mandate that blogs do the same, and people will just stop writing conservative blogs anymore. And thus, all conservative dissent will be quickly silenced.

4. Obama has also said that he is not above trying the previous president for political crimes. Not crimes in the legal sense. But crimes because of Bush's political stance. That is something that happens in Russia or the Banana Republics, not in a legitamate Democracy.

5. Have fun shootign your guns, they will be outlawed soon. In the Illinois Senate, Obama worked with the Brady Campaign to try and end personal gun ownership. Now, let's understand something here. The Founding Fathers never outlawed gun bans with the constitution to protect hunters. In fact, the Second Ammendment was one of the only ammendments that was unanimous among them. Why? So that the people could defend themselves, both against the government and those who would try to harm them in some way shape or form.

So long as the electorate is armed, any wanna be dictator needs to completely disarm the people to prevent them from acting up to show their displeasure. That is why Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Kim Jong Il, and even Hugo Chavez have outlawed guns. Mahmoud Ahminejad has tried, but when your nation is so close to the Bakara Market, it is hard to do so.

6. Obama has also announced that he will give 95% of the peopla Tax Cut on their income taxes. Bull. 40% of this country does not pay a single dime in Income Taxes. So how do they get a tax cut Obama? Are you going to send them a check? And why did you vote in the US Senate to increase taxes on those making over $42,000 a year?

When the top 5% of the country has their taxes increased (they already pay 50% of the taxes), they will start to leave. Expect to see more scandals about millionares moving their money to foreign bank accounts to preserve what they have worked so hard for.

It's too bad he forgot that the US already has THE most Progressive Income Tax in the world.

7. And then, the Bush Tax Cuts will run out. This will lead to an across the board tax hike. And this, my friends, will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Expect the Top 10% of Tax Payers in this country to leave. They will pay their 50% Exit Tax as they do so, and then they won't look back.

8. Minimum Wage hikes have a dirty little secret. Built into the law are mandates that require Union Employees to get paid two to three times the minimum wage. That is the real reason that Pelosi and Reid will force minimum wage increases down American throats. This could bankrupt businesses as they are unonised by force. This will increase unemployment drastically across the board, and drive businesses over seas. And the new Corporate Tax Hikes won't even have gone into effect.

9. Obama has promised to close Corporate Tax Loopholes that "Benefit Corporations who move jobs overseas." Well, Mr. Obama, we have the HIGHEST Corporate Taxes in the United States. In fact, they are so high that Trillions of dollars worth of growth are ignored because those businesses are more interested in trying to protect themselves from Acheivement Punishing Taxes.

This will drive thousands of Corporations overseas. Ireland, Japan, England, these nations have Corporate taxes less than half what the US has. And even that anti-capitalist, anti-freedom Fear Society we call the People's Republic of China has lower Corporate Income Taxes than the United States.

And when they go, American jobs will disappear. And they will do so fast. The average Corporation employs thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, and most of them will become unemployed as their employers flee the United States.

10. The war in Iraq will be over. And Iraq will become Somalia. That is right, if we leave now, Iraq will become Somalia. And as soon as we leave, the terrorists will coem out of the woodwork, and warlords will emerge. Millions will die in the resulting chaos, and millions more will die when Syria and Iran decide to use their army to carve up that state.

Then, Osama bin Laden will release a tape calling the US a nation of Fools. He will praise Allah for the election of a Neville Chamberlain to our presidency, and for victory in what he has called the Central Battleground of the War on Terror.

And then, the bombings will begin. Probablly "before six months have passed" to quote Joe Biden.

11. The pre-september crisis is coming. Biden warned us that it would come, and that the actions of the administration would be unpopular among the Left, and extremely so among the Right.

Well, I am expecting Russia to formally invade Georgia and the Ukraine. I am expecting that Al-Qaeda wannabees and Hezbollah Sleeper agents to begin attacking targets inside the US. I am expecting an invasion of Lebanon by Syria. I am expecting that Israel will see a rash of celebratory suicide bombings. So it makes me wonder what the Fifth Scenario is that Smirky Joe mentioned...

12. Maybe it will be defeat in Afghanistan. After all, we showed the Terrorists that we cannot stomach a war. So they will go pouring into Afghanistan. And as they do so, we will see Casualties skyrocket as our people and our allies are caught unprepared.

13. Obama has promised the United States that he will create a Civilian National Security Force. And, on top of that, that they will be as well funded as the Armed Forces. My question is, what will they be doing?

Possibly This?

14. Pelosi has promised that she is going to roll back all drilling allowances. In other words, no new drilling for oil offshore, and possibly even a loss of all drilling offshore. This will drive up the cost of oil across the United States. Obama has said that the only problems he had with $4.00 a gallon gasoline was the speed with which it went up. Well, it is going to go up even higher with more Oil being diverted to power generation, and less to you and I to get to work. Expect European style prices across the United States.

Well, it was fun. But now the Great Expirement has died...