Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Time has Come

Obama, I am going to do whatever I can to prevent you from becoming president. I have seen the outcomes, the disasters your policies will cause. And it is time to point them out. With Clinton out of the race, you are now the only one the Democrats can hope to elect. Thus, you are fair game. I, like many other conservative bloggers stayed out of the fray, letting your party self-destruct on its own.

But Sun Tzu would scold us for continuing to ignore you. Thus, it is time to expose your idiocy to the world, and show them why naively clinging to ideals that can never work is an insane idea. They say that Idiocy is the act of trying the same things over and over and expecting different results, and thus, I call you, and the rest of the Higher-Ups in the party idiots.

More to come later. Gotta check your website to see if there are any updates or changes on your stances. But they will be mercilessly torn to shreds. Hell, I might even repost my "Crime of Nationalised Healthcare" piece again. What with your ardent support of that little Collectivist piece of crap.

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