Thursday, June 5, 2008

Southern Cross: Racist? Rebelious? Statist?

Recently, three students where banned from their school graduation for having a Confederate Battle Flag at their school three days before graduation. This was not the Star and Bars, the symbol of the Confederated Government, which is viewed by many as a throughly racist organization), but rather the more famous Southern Cross, the Battle Flag of the Confederacy, the symbol of her army and the men and women who served under it. (Yes, women, the Confederacy had several women who masqueraded as men to serve in the army, just like the north.)

The vast majority of the Young Men who marched under the flag during the war did so as a symbol of their opposition to the Power Hungry Federal Government, which was slowly but surely sapping the rights of the states and consolidating it under one place. This was something that the Founding Fathers always feared, and the South Rightly objected to it. Many in the North did as well, though they disagreed with how the Confederacy made their opinion known.

As the Confederacy marched to war under that blue cross, many have confused it with the national flag of the confederacy, a symbol of a government that was run by Racists and was more interested in maintaining Racial Supremacy and the Institution of Slavery.

So, if you support the rights of the states and the individual, if you think the Federal Government needs to back down and relinquish power, if you think that the Federal Government needs to stop stealing your money and stop proping up those who cannot help themselves, wave that flag proud and strong. For the Southern Cross was always a symbol of Freedom and Liberty, not Oppression and Tyranny. That is what the Stars and Bars where for.

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