Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving: The true story of a Political Holiday

The Indians of Plymouth are annoyed with us for celebrating the holiday of Thanksgiving to God for the harvest. Why? It make no sense in my book.

Despite what many would have you to believe, Thanksgiving is not some holiday in which the White Man celebrates the Oppression of the Red Man. Instead, Thanksgiving is a celebration of the harvest. A day in which the people come together and thank the lord for the food, planted that spring, and gathered for the winter.

The history of this holiday, and the colonization is what this post is about though, not what the Holiday means.

First, lets have a history of the Americas, or rather, of the East Coast of the US.

Before the colonization of the Americas by the European Powers, the East Coast was what I like to describe as "Organized Anarchy." Here, tribes warred against each other yearly, fighting over the hunting grounds and female members of the other tribes. Sexual Slavery was rampant, as was warfare. The concept of the Noble Savage is not a very real one, as the only group that could even come close to the concept of Nobility where the Five Civilized Tribes of the Southeast, and this was due more to the influence of Spanish controlled Central America than anything else. Another similar concept is the Iroquois, who evolved culturally along the same lines as the Vikings, due to the early contacts with the Norse Traders.

Now, as the French and Spanish began to trade with the natives, conflicts would occur. Though some would adapt to the more Technologically advanced Europeans, others would strike out at them, after they had gotten what they wanted for free. The best example of this comes from the people of the Indian we now know as Squanto.

In 1614, he had been captured and taken to Spain, before finding his way to England. There, he was eventually able to board a ship and go home. However, he found that his entire tribe was dead. The PC/Conventional version has them falling dead due to an epidemic given to them by French Traders, all of whom made their way back to Europe.


Those French traders where massacred, like many before them, and a single one survived. Remember the above reference to Sexual Slavery? Well, how do you think that virus got around? Squanto was lucky my friends, other wise he would have caught the same virus.

So, when the Puritans arrived, Squanto had his own thing to be thankful for, as he was actually able to survive now.

When the first Thanksgiving festival was held, it was a Three Day Party. The men of the two groups went out hunting and fishing, and chatted about how to best do so. The women compared home keeping and child rearing. And every one was joyful, as harvest festivals where parts of both Wampanoag and English traditions.

Later, as the two groups began to have friction with each other, and both did have real complaints against the other, remember the above.

Now, those who are being "Oppressed!" use the history of this great nation as a cry of shame, though the history is far from what they claim.

The only place where the Noble Savage existed was i parts of Utah and the North-Western Midwest, as there where not enough Indians/sq foot for them to need to go to war against each other for hunting and farming lands. Now women on the other hand...

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