Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is McCain Eligible?

Well, ain't this a sticky wicket?

It would seem, that Republican Presidential Candidate Senator of Arizona John McCain may not be eligible under the "Natural Born" clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Now, why is this a problem?

Simple, because John McCain was born in the Canal Zone, on a military base, in Panama. Now, personally, I feel that the children of American Citizens born overseas, with special emphasis to Diplomatic and Military Brats, should be considered Natural Born Citizens of the United States.

However, there is no precedent for this. Never have we even had to consider the possibility of people being born on US property over seas being the President. Rumors of Presidents being born over seas have been around for years.

Chester A. Arthur, a native of Vermont, was often rumored to have been born in Canada. Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona three years before it became a state, while it was still Arizona Territory.

So the question is. Does a child of American Parents born overseas count as a "Natural Born" citizen of the United States? Personally, I believe that that child does have the right to run for president. But only Time, and the U.S. Supreme Court will tell.

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