Sunday, March 9, 2008

Do real Men wear Pink?

its a question that has come up often lately, and one that I feel needs to be put down. It is just beating a dead horse anymore, and here is why.

Pink is a color associated with femininity in our society. Why? Because it is a bright color. Men are expected to wear dark colors or white. Though this has changed, and brighter shades of Red, Blue, Green and Grey have become acceptable, pink is still not considered acceptable, except by women it would seem.

Having scanned the web, I have noticed countless women saying they think it looks hot when men wear pink. However, none have stated anything else on the subject. Thus, I will introduce my own philosophy on the subject.

Pink is worn by men who are insecure about their sexuality, because the common saying that only real men wear pink has become accepted. However, real men are secure enough in their sexuality that they don't have to wear Pink to prove it too the world. By wearing Pink to show that you are a real man, you are saying, "I am insecure about myself and need to make others think that I am."

The real man knows who he is, and does not need to prove it too the world by wearing pink.